Talysis launches revolutionary new technology in industry first

Talysis launches revolutionary new technology in industry first

AI & voice-powered solution set to transform operations for entire sector

Talysis insight shows price movements in Ireland's soft drinks category

Talysis insight shows price movements in Ireland's soft drinks category

Supermarket shoppers are bearing the brunt of the introduction of DRS. The introduction of the Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) in Ireland has so far led to reduced pack sizes and disguised price increases for consumers, data analytics experts Talysis Ltd find.

CD:UK features in Independent Retail News

CD:UK features in Independent Retail News

Check out the January issue of IRN, which features a focus on alcohol-free drinks, taken from our CD:UK solution.

Talysis launches fun charity challenge  with £2,000 prize

Talysis launches fun charity challenge with £2,000 prize

Data analytics experts Talysis Ltd are launching a ‘Where there’s muck there’s money’ challenge as part of their charity fundraising campaign which aims to turn £15 into £15k.

Talysis launches convenience game-changer

Talysis launches convenience game-changer

Retail and data analytics experts, Talysis Ltd, have launched a major new solution for the convenience market. Convenience Data UK – CD:UK – provides retailers, wholesalers and brands with the most comprehensive insights ever available in the sector.

Talysis cost-of-living white paper calls for industry action to prevent UK humanitarian crisis

Talysis cost-of-living white paper calls for industry action to prevent UK humanitarian crisis

Talysis Ltd has sounded a warning bell with the release of its latest white paper, The Hunger Games: Is the cost-of-living CRISIS set to become a CATASTROPHE?


Talysis Ltd
3 Cromwell Business Park
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LS22 7SU
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  • enquiries@talysis.co.uk
  • +44 (0) 1904 782 357
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Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 4:00pm
